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Mexico is the United States’ second-largest export market and third-largest trading partner. Many large global companies have chosen to locate significant manufacturing operations in Mexico along the U.S. Mexican border. The combination of lower cost wages and close proximity to US markets make Mexico an attractive option in today’s competitive environment. Approximately 54% of the raw materials used in Mexican manufacturing facilities are sourced from the US.

Top US raw material exports to Mexico include:

Motor Vehicle Parts

Why Are US Companies Manufacturing in Mexico?

Mexico is an active member of the World Trade Organization, the G-20, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The Mexican government supports free trade with agreements such as NAFTA, USMCA, ALADI. In total Mexico has 12 Free Trade Agreements with 46 countries. Companies operating in Mexico can take advantage of these extensive free trade agreements.

The US and Mexico are partners in NAFTA (USMCA) and enjoy a broad and expanding trade relationship. The United States and Mexico have cooperated more closely to improve North American competitiveness, ensure the safety of their citizens, and promote clean energy and a healthy environment.

The scope of US Mexican relations goes far beyond diplomatic and official contacts; it entails extensive commercial, cultural, and educational ties, as demonstrated by:


legal border crossings per day


US Citizens currently living in Mexico


Companies with U.S. investments operating in Mexico


U.S. share of all foreign direct investment in Mexico

TACNA border

Partial list of large global companies succeeding in Mexico

Start succeeding in Mexico – Cut Operating Costs up to 80%

Join this elite group of companies manufacturing in Mexico – call us to discuss how we can help you begin operations in as little as 12 weeks.

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