Similar to highly developed countries in the world, Mexico has complex regulatory rules in the areas of environmental compliance, health of its people and safety in the workplace. It is important for companies to understand and comply with the country’s regulations. TACNA will only work with responsible companies that have an attitude of compliance in environmental, health and safety. Our team of experts take the lead in obtaining required permits, operating licences, performing workplace environment studies and conducting workplace safety training.
TACNA’s team of experts applies for and obtains necessary permits and licenses to maintain compliance with Mexico’s regulations. Licenses include, for example, land use, operating permit, fire department permit, environmental impact analysis, waste generator, civil protection program and safety measures. Compliance is monitored constantly by the EH&S team. The status of a client’s compliance is available for review electronically, at anytime.
The EH&S team works with all relevant agencies at city, state and federal levels. TACNA works relentlessly with clients to be compliant with health and safety laws, codes and regulations. TACNA and its clients have a reputation with government agencies as good corporate citizens that respect and operate within the law.
The EH&S team actively supports client with internal and external audits. Internal audits are conducted periodically by TACNA to identify gaps in client compliance with laws, regulations and workplace safety standards. The internal audit reports are delivered to clients and mutual action plans are created to close identified gaps.
Periodically government agencies audit client facilities for the purpose of assessing compliance with EH&S laws and regulations. Additionally some customers of clients including large retailers conduct on-site social compliance audits of Mexico facilities. TACNA manages government sponsored audits of client facilities and supports client social compliance audits by customers.
The EH&S team is certified to deliver many of the government’s required training courses to clients’ employees at no additional cost. Required training include safety committee, personal protective equipment, fire extinguisher use, contingency plan, evacuation drills, forklift safety, and first aid. All training records are maintained within our system and are available for review electronically.
In the maquiladora industry, all temporary imports into Mexico need to be accounted for and tracked. Raw materials and machinery that have become scrap must be either exported directly out of Mexico by the importer or transferred to an authorized recycling company with appropriate permits for handling and export. Companies operating under the IMMEX program are strictly prohibited from disposing of scrap raw material and equipment in Mexico waste streams.